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Posts tagged “anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary to the man who holds my heart and the love of my life, we have been together for 15 years and I love you more and more with every year that passes.
I love you Darrell.




Blogging and Followers



Hey everyone as of today i have been blogging for exactly one year, yay.
It really doesnt seem like it has been that long, i mean im just now getting use to calling myself a blogger.
It has been great though, i have gotten to know some amazing, and truly inspiring people, and maybe, (hopefully) even helped a few along the way.
One thing that happened that i didnt expect, is that blogging has really helped me in a big way, its helped me to see my self in a different light. When i first started this i still felt like a failure, even though i had already been clean for more than 2 years, i still felt like that same drug addict and alcoholic, but now i dont. Writing things out and letting everyone see who i really am has helped me discover things about myself that i didnt realize before. I love blogging and i so enjoy reading all my followers comments, your support and encouragement means so much to me, after all without followers blogging really doesnt mean much at all. So a very special thank you to all of my friends and followers, it has been great getting to know all of you, and i look forward to another year of crazy posts and comments.

Diana Roark aka mommyx4boys

6 month anniversary

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Hey everybody, i was just sitting here watching The Walking Dead marathon, which i didnt even know about until my friend Melissa told me, crazy right. She also nominated me for the very inspiring blogger award, since i just got this award the other day i am not gonna be doing another post on it, but i wanted to say thank you very much to Melissa from and if you havent read her blog and followed her yet you definitely should, she is awesome.

Anyway i was watching The Walking Dead marathon when i realized that today marks my six month anniversary for trying to make things right. Awsomeness, woot woot.
We have came a long way in 6 months, with 314 followers and 5,637 views. I realize compared to other peoples blogs those numbers are tiny, but to me they are huge and amazing. There are 314 people that i have never met, who care what i think, that amazes me. I never imagined that this blog would be so important to me. When i started it i had never even read a blog, and barely new what a blog was, i just thought hey why not, but now it matters to me. I have met some wonderful people who i now think of as very dear friends, i know a lot of people dont think friendships made over the internet are real friendships, but to me they are. The friends that i have made here mean just as much to me as any friend i have ever had, and i am very grateful for each and every one of you.
In the process of creating this blog i have learned a lot, including one of the most helpful things that i have ever learned, which is that its okay to forgive myself for the things i have done wrong. When i started this blog i felt like i was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders with no where to unload, but this is a place where i can do just that, and hopefully help someone else in the process. I am so glad i decided to start this blog, it has made me a better person, talking with each and every one of you has made me a better person, So i thank you for that. Heres to another six months. Also i have noticed a lot of people still call me mommyx4boys which is fine if thats what you prefer, but my name is Diana Roark so feel free to call me Diana if you want.