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Archive for May, 2015

Me and my boys

100_0518100_0521I had a great day today just walking around town with my boys.

My Son

20150529_10445920150529_115626Today was an awesome and emotional day, today my first-born son graduated fifth grade. No more elementary school for him. Today as i watched him walk across the floor to get his certificate, i felt exactly the same as i did on his first day of kindergarten, i felt proud, anxious, nervous for what was to come, and kinda sad that my baby is growing up. I felt the tears coming, but i think i did pretty good at hiding it, i didn’t want to embarrass him on his last day! Now to my son, D.j. i know you will read this in a little while and i want you to know that i am so proud of the young man you are becoming, but just because you’re growing up doesn’t mean you aren’t my baby anymore. I love you more than anything and you will always be my baby boy. Love mom.

Some Women

images (59)Okay so i have to know, what exactly is this womans goal or purpose in life? To make men want her? I mean really is that it? She may be good for a one night stand but i dont know any man that would say i want that for a wife. Because from what i know of her she has absolutely no other skills except the ability to look good!
Maybe that is enough for some people but for me i just couldnt live that way, i take a lot of pride in taking care of my own kids, being a good cook, knowing how to fish, and hunt, and do a hard days work. I feel so sorry for this woman because yeah shes hot and rich but beauty fades and money can only buy so much.
Now the really sad thing is that this is what young girls are seeing, women like this and they think that is how women are supposed to be. Its crazy the way some women behave now, everything is all about looks and nothing else, i mean i can look hot if i feel the need to but i would much rather show off the fact that i can cut a tree down just as well as a man can, or that i can change the spark plugs in my truck. What do you think? Do you think women focus to much on appearance now and not enough on more important things?

One – liner Wednesday

images (58)To LIVE is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist and that is all.

This a part of

Sunshine Bloggers Award

download (31)Hey everybody,
i was just nominated for the sunshine bloggers award by Deana at thanks much hon, she is an awesome woman with a great blog, so if you dont already follow her you should definitely go do so. Its been a while since i was nominated for an award so im tickled.

Here are the rules:

You must thank the blogger who nominated you.
You must answer the questions asked by that blogger.
You must nominate another set of bloggers.
You must ask a few questions of your own to those bloggers.
Notify the bloggers you nominated about the nomination!

Here are the questions that Deana asked me

1. What is your greatest achievement this far in life?
Getting clean and sober, of course being a good wife and mother is up there to, but without dropping the pills and alcohol i wouldn’t be able to do those things very well.
2. Define the word LOVE
A never ending and overwhelming emotion, that is expressed through kindness and understanding and changes every person and every life in the world.
3. If you could go back in time and meet one person, man or woman, who would it be and why? Anne Frank, i have always been fascinated with her story and how strong and smart she was.
4. What is your favorite scent? It doesn’t have to be e perfume, perhaps just a smell that you like… Peach i love the way fresh peaches smell and motor oil, lol.
5. Quick. Type the first five words that come to your mind. Now go back and tell me what those words mean to you!! kids, crazy, love, monkey, wild, those words came to mind because i love my kids but right now they are acting like wild little monkeys and they’re driving me crazy, lol.

My nominees are

My questions for you are.

1. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
2. If you could change any law what would it be and why?
3. Tell me something that irritates you to no end
4. Do you think Obama is a good president? Why or why not?
5. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

and thats it, thanks again Deana. Make sure to check out all the bloggers i nominated, they do not disappoint.


My cat had 5 kittens aren’t they adorable.




dannytrejoWhat do you fear? I was helping a friend of mine take off trash from down town Blacksburg the other day and i noticed she seemed nervous, well when we got back in the vehicle she said i hate it when that happens, i said what, and she said it scared her cause two men were walking up the alleyway that we were in. That took me by surprise because i barely even noticed them, but it really shook her up. I told her she didnt need to be scared of anything like that especially when im with her cause i always carry a blade and im not afraid of stuff like that.
Well that got me thinking what is it that makes us fear certain things when others pay it no mind at all? It is just our lives i think, things that have caused us the most pain, or things we think will cause us pain. Me for example i am not afraid of big bearded men with tattoos or motorcycles or in all honesty anything else like that, i guess cause i grew up in a rough way. The only thing that scares me is the thought of losing another child, my husband, or something bad happening to one of them. I am not afraid of pain or anything when it comes to me, but man it tears me up to see one of them hurting or sad.
So what are you afraid of and do you know why you are afraid of it?

Am I Crazy



Dominik and Donnie

Dominik and Donnie

I have been feeling so guilty and confused here lately. See we went and got our two youngest boys registered to start school in august and I am feeling very torn about it.
Donnie will be starting preschool, Dominik will be starting kindergarten, and Dj will be starting middle school. Now for a long time I was considering home schooling them, just because it seems so dangerous to even send them to school anymore, (especially middle school) but at the same time I am looking forward to them going. I mean then I could start working a bit more and bring in some extra income. I am just so scared that something bad will happen ( like Newtown ) and Im not sure if these feelings of dread are me being paranoid or if they are completely justified?
On one hand I realize that the odds of something like that happening are very small but on the other hand if I send them to school and something like that did happen it is not going to make me feel better that the odds were slim. I don’t know I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest and see if anyone else out there has felt the same way, if so let me know how you handled or are handling it, cause I feel like im gonna go crazy.

New Looks

I got this app called youcam makeup at the google play store and it is so cool, the hair, the makeup, none of it is real in these pictures and I thought it was just the neatest thing ever so I had to share it with yawl. Technology is so cool sometimes.2015-05-19-13-48-56-4772015-05-19-13-45-24-5802015-05-19-13-32-04-079

All men are not the same

Dr. Martin Luther King jr

Dr. Martin Luther King jr

Serial killer, Ted Bundy

Serial killer, Ted Bundy

I want to talk about something that is very important to me, i want to talk about how society is developing a very negative attitude towards men. This is something that needs to be addressed and stopped.  I know that there are men who have done terrible things in this world, but there are many more men who have done extraordinary and wonderful things, and to put all men in the same category simply because they are male is preposterous. If all men are the same because they are male then it stands to reason that all women must be the same because they are female. So i ask you are all women the same as Andrea Yates, the woman who drowned her five children in her bathtub in 2001? Are all women the same as Casey Anthony, the woman who ( regardless of what the courts said)  killed her 2 year old daughter?  Are all women the same as Aileen Wuornos, the serial killer who killed 7 men, in 1989 and 1990? I could continue with hundreds more examples of women who have done evil things, but i think you get the point. Not all men are the same, not all women are the same, and it is really disturbing that there is this growing hatred for men, as if all the men in the world are responsible for the evil acts of others, just because they were male. This really bothers me, because the best people i know are men, my husband, my father, my 4 children, all of the sexism towards men is something that frightens me when i think about my boys futures. You would think that with all the intelligence people claim to have in this day and age, that they would be smart enough to know that, women and men both have the ability to do evil as well as good, and that neither sex is better than the other, we each have wonderful characteristics, and some that arent so wonderful. So please stop with all of the bullcrap about all men being the same, because if all men are the same so are all women, and if that is true then every person in the world is a murderer, a rapist, and any other vile thing you can think of. The pictures above are the perfect example of how all men are not the same. Stop the hate, it  helps nothing.

My mother’s day

So yesterday was mothers day and I had a pretty good one. We went to church yesterday morning where my little ones performed a song and dance with the other kids from church, they did so good. Then darrell left a little early so he could buy everybody lunch and I wouldnt have to cook,( helped a lot), and we lounged around the house some and later sat around the fire pit, also got a beautiful orchid from my hubby, a pretty flower from dj, a heart that dominik made and a book on horses from dustin.
Oh and a little $12,000 car from my wonderful husband this morning,  I love it. It is so nice and so much easier to get the kids in and out of than the stratus was. Thanks babe I love you.






Mothers Day


Hey everybody just wanted to say Happy mother’s day to all the mommies out there, hope you had a great one with your kids. I will post a little later about my mothers day cause right now im just enjoying being around the fire pit. Pay no attention to the fat roles in the picture, lol.

Gone Fishin

Hey everybody, i hope yawl are all doing good out there. I am doing great cause i got to go fishing this morning.
My hubby and i love to go fishin, we havent got to for a long time cause it to aggravating to take all the kids with us, but this morning my dad watched em so we went, and it was awesome. You know why it was soooo awesome? Because in almost 15 years i have never caught more fish than my husband but today i did, lol.
I caught the first fish and i caught more, Darrell caught 5 and i caught 7 (Bam What) lol. Anyway i had a great time and hopefully we’ll get to go again soon. Here are some pics of my awesome fisherman skills, not really today i just got lucky, but I’ll take it. 😉

Beautiful Babies

So for those of you who dont know i am completely crazy when it comes to babies, i mean everybody who knows me knows that if there is a baby in our church or anywhere else like that, i will be holding the little cutie before i leave. If i didnt have so many complications with my pregnancies i would have 3 or 4 more, but anyway the point is i had a great week cause i got to babysit two of the cutest little babies. Which was a lot of fun especially cause they are both at that great snuggle age, all of my boys are pretty much past that now, my oldest is 20 and in college, i have my 11 year old who runs and hides if i try to hug him, my 5 year old will give me a hug and a kiss sometimes (depending on what kind of mood he is in, and my 3 year old just wants to smack me and run away. So it was awesome watching these 2 sweet little baby girls. Here are some pics.



Kloie Awake

Kloie Awake





Dominik and Lylah

Dominik and Lylah

Darrell even held her, which he like never does

Darrell even held her, which he like never does

Childish Things


We went out and got a black light to put in our basement,  and I have been having so much fun its crazy.
Whoever it was that said when you grow up its time to put the childish things away, was sooo wrong. I enjoy it a lot more now than I did back when I was younger. Anyway just thought I would share that a blacklight and markers can be really fun, even if you’re all growd up, lol.